Friday, October 12, 2007

Killian, here's your Subzero, now plain zero

The title really has nothing to do with the story but Running Man was on the other night and I must admit I am an Arnold fan....they just don't write lines like that anymore....Nonetheless 4 more years of Dalton as the Liberals demolished the competition....the election wasn't won so much on the strength of the Liberals policies but rather a mistep from John Tory leader of the PC's.....Tory who was to be for strong leadership came out and trumpeted funding for all faith based schools....then retracted his comments later saying he would put the matter to a vote....this was lead to his eventual demise.....

The Referendum also died a terrible death...The Globe, Post and Star all pointed to a lack of voter knowledge/ information as to what the topic actually was.....seems like fewer people were informed than read this blog....ehhhhhhhhhhhhh oh! wait...newman

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This is me leaving, This is me leaving

In a move that is expected to be announced soon rather than later it appears Joe Torre will be let go as the Yankees Manager. Torre joined the Yanks in 1996 after quite a mediocre career managing the Mets, Braves and Cards. He will be remembered for his AL title streak between 2006 and 1998. In the end ineffective pitching and a total lack of clutch hitting did him in. It's tough that the Yankees never even got on base to allow him to mismanage the game. Nonetheless here's to hoping Steinbrenner has another Billy Martin type change of heart.....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

God don’t like ugly, you know what I mean?

Texans DT on an attempted block by Trent Green....gotta love professional athletes....

"Johnson was furious later, accusing Green of blocking him at the knees on purpose. “The bottom line is, it was a malicious hit. It was uncalled for,” Johnson said. “He’s like the scarecrow. He wants to get courage while I wasn’t looking, and hit me in my knee instead of trying to hit me in my head. God don’t like ugly, you know what I mean? My knee ain’t never hurt like it hurt today. If you want to hit me, hit me in my head, hit me in my chest, don’t hit me in my knee. I’m trying to eat just like everybody else. So, to hit me like that, that showed me what type of man he was.”"

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Greenback continues to tumble more than a drunk teenager

On Friday the loonie closed at 101.85 cents US...up about 1.5 cents from Thursday....This was on the back of a lower than expected jobless rate in Canada....The unemployment rate also reached a 30 year low....It hadn't seen 5.9% since the Watergate Scandal, the canceling of the Brady Bunch and the first Darwin Beer can regatta....good times...all provinces added jobs especially Ontario which was assisted by the up and coming election...Cautionary news though is that with such a high level employment wages have increased which could spell inflationary concerns....

Friday, October 5, 2007

Cheese Dick of the Week

This award is reserved for someone who does something extra stupid....there are those who are in the pantheon of re-he's and could be considered every week....but this week it was a four horse race....Yi not admitting his age.....Marion Jones on the juice....LBJ wearing a Jankees cap to an Indians game....but the winner is Isiah Thomas.....convicted of sexual harassment.....

Truth Bomb - The Sequel

Calling all Will Ferrell buddy Tuason drew my attention to the following...another great movie seems to be on the docket....the plot....Jackie Moon, the owner-coach-player of the American Basketball Association's Flint Michigan Tropics, rallies his teammates to make their NBA dreams come true

Truth Bomb - Fantasy Futball Heads Up

Today Travis Henry tested positive for the Ganj....trying to get the court to prevent him from being suspended because his doctors were not allowed to be present at the spot urine test...yes this is the same Travis Henry who has 9 kids from 9 different woman...doode can't catch a break....anyways do yourself a favour and pick up Selvin Young....

Old News

I know this is old news but by now everyone has heard that Michael Vick was sued for 60 Billion by some doode....said he stole dawgs from him sold them on eBay and used the proceeds to finance the sale of missles to Al take on this....When the 'Miniature Buddha covered in hair' in Anchorman eats the brick of cheese Ron isn't upset....just amazed....apply the same line of thinking here....

Hockey Season

Hockey season has started something all Canadians are aware of and about 6-10 Americans....Good news Sundin tied Sittler's goal total....and Antropov is on pace for 100 about realizing your potential in one season....bad news the leafs are 0-2 and got hosed.....hate the sens hate the sens.....

In the Gerk Monsters Rage Cage - Red Sox Fans

I am a fan of the MLB playoffs though dislike Red Sox Fans....they have a little engine that could mentality though have the second highest payroll in baseball.....I am not a Yankee fan though they expect and prepare for victory....whereas sox fans brace for failure at every in juncture...

Another rambling

Was riding the elevator up to my office at lunch....with some guy about 60....had gotten takeout from thai island....and he decided to start drumming on his container I said in my intro I take enjoyment in the little things.....


Hey anyone see those pictures of Vladimir 'Pooti Poot' Putin fishing? The guy is diesel....I have an explanation....he thinks that the control of the world might come down to a fist fight one he has beefed up just to cover his bases....Also this guy is the closest the world has to a real life potential Bond Villain....the mini sub under the north pole....firing his PM.....the spy issue with the brits....great stuff

Some People

Encountered quite the spectacle this morning.....saw a doode running with his arms locked at an 80 degree angle....doode was givin'er but wouldn't move his arms....think Molly Shannon Seinfeld Summer of George episode....also includes Lyle 'The Doode'...good ish.....if that wasn't enough when the guy hits a stop light he just jumps up and down in a stationary position....

Recent Happenings

I am a keen observer of human behaviour as such I find enjoyment walking to work and seeing peoples idiosyncrasies....the other day saw something wonderful....a woman was attempting to jaywalk when she got to the middle of the street and realized she could not make it any further.....she felt she could not outrun a streetcar barreling down on her at about 20km....thus she turned and ran in fear as if she was Indiana Jones running from the infamous boulder....


Good Day All,
Life seems to happen to me in the most peculiar ways. I find enjoyment in the small things and more often than not have a very dry outlook on things. Thus I want to use the glorious world of blogging to share my experiences. I am a huger than huge fan of sports, politics and the world in which we live.
Lifes a garden, dig it...
Gerk Monster